Argan is made from the fruit Argan tree.
The Argan fruits ripen around June or July when they are bright green/yellow. The fruits are almond nut sized and ovoid. At harvest time communities come together to pick the precious fruits from the trees and collect any that have dropped onto the ground.
Inside of the fruit there is a milky pulp, covered by a thick peel. This covers a very hard shelled seed which is the Argan nut. The Argan nuts contain up to three oil rich white kernels from which Argan oil is extracted. No matter which method is used to press the Argan Oil and extract the pure oil the process always starts the same way.
Pure Argan Oil should contain nothing but the oil extracted from the Argan nut kernels.
Has Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The various phenolic compounds in argan oil are likely responsible for most of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacities.
Argan oil is rich in vitamin E, or tocopherol, a fat-soluble vitamin that serves as a potent antioxidant to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals .
Other compounds present in argan oil, such as CoQ10, melatonin and plant sterols, also play a role in its antioxidant capacity.
A recent study revealed a significant reduction in inflammatory markers in mice fed argan oil prior to exposure to a highly inflammatory liver toxin, compared to the control group .
Additionally, some research indicates that argan oil can also be applied directly to your skin to reduce inflammation caused by injuries or infections .
Although these results are encouraging, more research is needed to understand how argan oil can be used medicinally in humans to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
May Reduce Signs of Skin Aging
Argan oil has quickly become a popular ingredient for many skin care products.
Some research suggests that dietary intake of argan oil may help slow the aging process by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress .
It may also support repair and maintenance of healthy skin when applied directly to your skin, thus reducing visual signs of aging .
Some human studies show argan oil — both ingested and administered directly — to be effective for increasing skin elasticity and hydration in postmenopausal women.
Ultimately, more human research is needed.